COVID-19 is a look into the simple common words found in epidemics like COVID-19. As the world evolves, the way society addresses epidemics or even the policies put in place never seems to change. It is my hope that this work will open up a conversation and also educate anyone who views the work.

            The photographs feature a model who has key words placed on their body. The words are written on the body with a marker with my own handwriting. This adds a personal touch and combined with prints that are 8.5” x 11”, this invites the audience to be intimate with the subject in front of them. By coming in closer, you spend more time looking at the picture and hopefully starting a conversation or learning something new.

            I created this work because I feel it is important for society to see that every epidemic usually has key words that stay the same no matter the timeline. I did some research and made a long list of words that seem to appear frequently during the AIDS epidemic, Ebola, and COVID-19. I narrowed the list down to ten words that were either the most frequent or ones that were surprising to show up. I wrote those words on a model and had them pose in certain ways in response to those words.

            I hope the audience will look at the model and these words that they display on their body. I want the audience to have a conversation with the piece of work. Or they can have a conversation with their friends, family, or a total stranger as they observe these words. Maybe the audience will search up if there truly is a coincidence with these selected words. Hopefully they will learn and be surprised at the same words that show up more frequently than we realize. No matter what, I want the audience to walk away with something more than they came in with.

            I always close a statement by saying that it is not my responsibility to walk you through the artwork I make. And this series is no different. I provide you with images and words, what you get from it in the end is purely up to you.


Hanky Code Redux

